Smooth Weapons Enhanced [v3.2.1]

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Smooth Weapons Enhanced [v3.2.1]

Post by NightFright »

Time for some modding of Per Kristian's smooth weapon animations. There are two versions available, one with normal gloves color and another one with black color (to match the Doomguy's gloves on the game box cover art).

- Fists: now also with gloves
- Chainsaw: has more idle frames
- Shotgun: improved muzzleflash, reload frames optimized
- Super Shotgun: missing hand for one frame added, minor tweaks for two frames
- Chaingun: rotation/firing behavior fixed
- Plasmagun: two additional frames while firing
- BFG 9000: now also has smooth animations

Requires GZDoom 4.3.0 or newer

Download from GitHub (PK3, 767 KB)
Smooth Weapons Enhanced on GitHub
Brightmaps pack (by Nash)

List of changes:
> Version 3.2.1 (May 25, 2020): Improved SSG timings, fixes for RL/PR flashes, LANGUAGE support
> Version 3.2 (Jan 23, 2020): Menu relocation, option for fistless berserk, improved SSG animations, CVAR defaults optimized, doom1.zc ZScript code update
> Version 3.1.3 (Jan 10, 2020): Fixed Plasma Rifle firing animation, all graphics converted to paletted PNGs
> Version 3.1.2 (Jan 10, 2020): Properly converted all graphics to Doom palette
> Version 3.1.1 (Nov 11, 2019): Option for accurate pistol added
> Version 3.1 (Nov 8, 2019): Mod compatibility with IDCLEVer, animation tweaks, improved smooth shotgun sprites, fixed A_Light behavior for all weapons, general sprite maintenance
> Version 3.0 (Jul 30, 2019): ZScript rewrite by Nash with some new features (player classes removed, weapon firing retimed, options menu to toggle various features), sprites reorganized into sub-folders
> Version 2.0 (Jul 12, 2019): Standard + Black Gloves Edition merged, class selections for smooth vanilla + smooth fast weapon switch, lump filtering for D1/D2, minor tweaks for chainsaw/pistol/shotgun/SSG/Plasmagun
> Version 1.4 (Jul 3, 2019): Implemented Nevander's changes from 2017 (faster weapon switching, more responsive weapons, improved BFG animation, sprite adjustments), DECORATE update, SSG/PR fire animation fixes
> Version 1.32 (Nov 3, 2016): Implemented Nevander's GLDEFS with dynamic light fix for player actor
> Version 1.31 (Jan 26, 2013): Cleaned brown pixels from super shotgun barrel (all editions); removed needless pixel from super shotgun edge and restored brownish barrel glow (Black Gloves Edition only)
> Version 1.3 (Jan 19, 2013): Remaining fist gloves (by Blox) replaced with improved versions
> Version 1.2 (Jan 18, 2013): Fixed shotgun/super shotgun muzzle flashes; Zandronum compatibility (with plasma rifle code by Blox)
> Version 1.1 (Jan 15, 2013): Centered positions for shotgun, super shotgun, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma rifle, BFG (compatibility to Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project); replacement of three fist sprites (improved gloves by Blox)
> Version 1.0 (Apr 20, 2012): Original release

This is an edit of the "port release" (with more frames), not the Boom compatible conversion which has been uploaded over at Doomworld not so long ago. So this means it only works with ZDoom, GZDoom or Zandronum (until mod version 2.0 - versions 3.x have GZDoom support only).

- Blox (improved gloves, SG/SSG frame tweaks, fixes for Z86 Chaingun, extra Plasmagun frames & code)
- Blue Shadow (Plasmagun code tweaks)
- DenisBelmondo (animation tweaks)
- Gifty (smooth rocket, plasma and BFG projectile sprites)
- IcyFreezy (black gloves from blakglov2.wad)
- JoeyTD (flipped Pistol with arm)
- Mm8f (Accurate pistol option)
- Minigunner ("Polished Skull" Shotgun muzzleflash)
- Nash Muhandes (full mod overhaul, ZScript rewrite)
- NeuralStunner (PerK fists with gloves)
- Nevander (dynamic light fix for player, code tweaks)
- Phi108 (ZDoom DECORATE)
- Scuba Steve (improved shotgun sprites)
- Void Weaver (help with sound code for "multi-path" Chainsaw)
- Z86 (smoother Chainsaw, SSG frame fix, Chaingun rotation/animation fix, smooth BFG)
Last edited by NightFright on Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:58 am, edited 67 times in total.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Blox »

Have a smooth plasmarifle firing animation.
Image Edit: Alternatively, Image

After PLSFC0:
Before (thus after above) PLSFD0:

ohshitiseebug Edit: Fix'd, the first in-between didn't have any light on the very bottom green thingy in the center.
Last edited by Blox on Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Xtyfe »

Thank you for the gloved smooth fist :D I had done one myself but this is way better
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by NightFright »

I see. Not bad! Will see if I can use those extra plasmagun frames. They have the same alignment offsets as one of the other firing sprites or do you have some custom ones for those already?
Last edited by NightFright on Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Blox »

They don't have any offsets at all, though those should be about the easiest to set.

Oh, and the "alternative" one is like this: (E = First in-between, F = Second)

Code: Select all

PLSF A 1 //(Or C as it is in pk_wpns)
PLSF B 1 //(Or D ^)
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Z86 »

I have an alternate smooth bfg animation in my Particle Fire Enhancer mod, feel free to use it if it fits your fancy. It is modeled after the original BFG fire cycle which never uses BFGGC0, and has it's black part disappearing after fire (I assumed it to be a recoil, and thus animated it so). It has 11+9 frames.
BTW I have just made this file with my modifications of the perkristian smooth anim mod:

- Smooth chainsaw (2 frame sawing anim, smoother idle anim from doom beta)
- PKS2P0 missing hand frame fixed (barely visible while animating, but anyway better to have it)
- Fixed PerkChaingun. In the original it works nothing like the Doom chaingun (fires 1 per cycle, and has a 1 frame A_REFIRE). Now it fires 2 per cycle, 0 frame A_REFIRE, and spindown animation is split up into 1 frame A_WeaponReady commands, to mimic the original behaviour as close as possible.
- PerkChaingun lower part also smooth animated
- The aforementioned BFG. Works like the original with the same amount of tic delays, and is also highly reminiscent of the original fire cycle.

Also, that plasma fire cycle looks very good. Does it fire 2 per that animation? Because whenever I tried to animate it like that I always found it too jerky when firing per 3 tics. 4 tic anim is ok actually, but that needs a custom plasmagun.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Blox »

That animation is 6 tics in total, so heh. :P

Also fixed a omfg bug. Missed the grating being either not lightened or totally lightened. Now there's a slight in between.
Edit: Also added a grate-ish thingy at the start of the tip. o_O
Man this animation is pretty messed up.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Zombieguy »

Oh yes!
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by NeuralStunner »

Blox wrote:Have a smooth plasmarifle firing animation.
Those are great! :D
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Xtyfe »

Just a thought, using the offset property in decorate would make them even more smooth than they are now, would you consider doing something like that?

Though keep in mind that this would not be supported by any other port
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Xaser »

What he's posted is a 6-tic animation, which (given 3 tics per shot) is exactly as smooth as you can possibly make it. No need to mess with "offset" since the frames themselves can handle that.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by NightFright »

Here is a first test version. Right now only for the normal glove color. It includes everything besides the alternate BFG by Z86 (I still don't know whether to use it or not).

I am not very experienced with DECORATE, so I dunno whether I added the two Plasmagun frames correctly. What I did was to rename existing PLSFD0 frame to PLSFF0 and add the new ones as PLSFD0 and PLSFE0 (just in order to maintain the proper letter sequence). I cannot exactly tell whether it makes a difference ingame at all, though.

Code: Select all

ACTOR PerkPlasmaRifle : PlasmaRifle replaces PlasmaRifle
		PKPL A 3 A_FirePlasma
		PKPL B 1 A_ReFire
		Goto Ready
		PLSF B 2 Bright A_Light1
		PLSF A 1 Bright A_Light1
		TNT1 A 1 Bright A_Light1
		Goto LightDone
		PLSF C 1 Bright A_Light1
		PLSF D 2 Bright A_Light1 // new frame #1
		PLSF E 1 Bright A_Light1 // new frame #2
		PLSF F 1 Bright A_Light1 // previous PerK frame PLSFD
		PLSF E 1 Bright A_Light1 // new frame #2
		TNT1 A 1 Bright A_Light1
Download test version (with improved chainsaw, super shotgun frame fix, chaingun fix, added plasmagun fire frames)
Last edited by NightFright on Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Xtyfe »

Xaser wrote:What he's posted is a 6-tic animation, which (given 3 tics per shot) is exactly as smooth as you can possibly make it. No need to mess with "offset" since the frames themselves can handle that.
I meant for all weapons that would benefit from it
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Xtyfe »

Does anyone else notice the bright green pixels around the muzzle flash of BFGFD0 and BFGFF0?
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Re: Improving PerK's smooth animations mod

Post by Blox »

Actually, this would be the correct animation (took some time to get it right):

Code: Select all

ACTOR PerkPlasmaRifle : PlasmaRifle replaces PlasmaRifle
		PLSF C 1 Bright A_FirePlasma
		PLSF D 2 Bright
		PLSF E 1 Bright A_FirePlasma
		PLSF F 1 Bright
		PLSF E 1 Bright
		PKPL B 1 A_ReFire
		Goto Ready
		TNT1 A 1 A_Light1
		Goto LightDone
Now it fires two projectiles per burst though, not a big loss though.

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