I made a small thing for ZDoom Wars, originally just for my friends--but they liked it a lot, so why not share the love.
It allows you to play as the Nazis from WildWeasel's Nazis gameplay/weapon/enemy/kitchen sink mod. It was designed primarily for ZDoom Wars v3.02, so trying to port it into teamplay or ZDoomWars I v2.x will get you interesting results. Actually, now it's completely up to date! So now it works with ZDoom Wars I v2.x. Please use it instead of the old, outdated ZDoom Wars.
A few dudes have been changed and there's a new enemy entirely, but for the most part it's the good ol' Reich you knew and loved (hated?).
Please enjoy, and please let me know any balance considerations/concerns you feel are necessary.
http://files.drdteam.org/index.php/file ... v0.82c.pk3 - v0.82c beta download, 7.28 megs
Spoiler: ChangelogDesperate times call for desperate measures.
From v0.81 to v0.82c
Balancing and graphical streamlining.
+ The ghosts are now more transparent to better indicate their ghost status.
+ The Guard Dog's obituary now works properly.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann has been redone into the Stuhlpanzer. Its attacks have been reworked entirely--instead of launching strictly rockets, it now adapts depending upon the range. At long range, it fires incredibly quickly large carbine rounds that do massive damage. At medium range, it fires a cluster of small missiles. At close range, it launches heavy-duty grenades. It now also moves faster, but its HP has been lowered.
^- Would you believe this is actually a nerf?
^- No, really, that thing was fucking insane overpowered.
^- It's a nerf, I promise.
+ Hitler and Todesritter no longer spam their entry announcement when there are no players.
+ Many of the lower-tier units now have +PUSHABLE added to them, in order to make them more in-line with other factions.
+ Promoted units have 10 less health and 0.1 less damage resistance.
+ The dogs now have their proper colors, and are no longer immune to enemy gas and explosions.
+ Auf Kriegsdauer's hero mana cost has been increased from 70 to 80.
+ The Untauglicher's HP has been reduced to 500.
+ The tipboxes have been rewritten with assistance from Repo Man.
+ The Protagonist now drops two pickuppable frag grenades on death.
+ Redid the rocket fire/smoke trails so that it's all one actor instead of three, which should make graphical lag go down significantly.
+ The alternate colors now have their own respective event banners for Hero entry/slain messages.
+ The cost of the Officer on the pop-up tip now matches the actual cost.
+ The Flammensoldat's fire now is bloodless on impact. This should make graphical lag go down significantly.
+ The tech tree has had several misspellings cleared up and a less-cluttered font choice.
+ The fire effects from the Flammensoldat, Falschung Hitlers, Todesritter grenades, and Stuhlpanzer's grenades have been toned down. This should make graphical lag go down quite a bit.
+ Optimized filesize slightly.
From v0.78 to v0.81
The colors, Duke, the colors! And minor balancing stuff.
+ More units have been given colors. Now the only uncolored units are the guard dogs.
+ The Todesritter has its resistances slightly increased.
+ The Ubersoldats and Allerletzt Ubersoldats have had their damage and pain chance decreased.
+ HUD info is fixed! Hooray!
+ The Doktor's grenades no longer go through ghosts.
+ The Officer now costs 8 summon mana (10 when Promoted), has had his damage decreased, and his bullets are now slightly slower.
+ Hitler's bullets are faster.
+ Hitler actually loses his mech's protection when out of his mech now, and thus takes more damage.
+ Tweaked a few obituary messages.
+ The Faction Tips now uses its own key now instead of a Strife key, and thus now doesn't warp and mangle at different resolutions.
+ Reduced the Untauglicher's pain chance.
+ The colors now means the Wahnsinniger Arzt can now affect other Nazis.
+ Blitzkrieg no longer summons vanilla-colored units.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann now fires a seperate type of weaker rockets.
From v0.76 to v0.78
Turns out the aerial units didn't need a buff! They needed extreme nerfing. Whoopsie.
+ Flieger's damage has been decreased, and its cost increased.
+ The Flieger's accuracy has been significantly increased. It made no sense for an aerial range unit to be so inaccurate.
+ Himmelkonig's damage has been decreased...again.
+ The Falschung's damage has been decreased, and its cost increased.
+ The Flieger now only requires 6 summons to reach the Flammensoldat, rather than 7.
+ The Untauglicher has slightly more enhanced resistances and improved HP.
+ The Untauglicher's shots are better at aggroing enemies.
+ The Falschung Hitler needs to be closer, now, before taking evasive tactics mode.
+ The Falschung Hitler and Himmelkonig are slower in the air, now.
+ All the air units are less likely to abandon the fight and run away, now.
+ The Himmelkonig has a slower rate of fire, now.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann is slightly faster and fires more frequently.
+ The dogs have had their mass increased from 70 to 250, which should keep them from being knocked away when melee-ing.
+ Their melee speed has also been increased slightly, and their HP increased from 150 to 160.
+ The Raketenmann rockets have had their damage increased, since they had been nerfed to the point of nigh uselessness.
+ Hitler's HP has been returned to 6000, after having pointed out that most final heroes have their HP around 6000.
+ The Ubersoldat and Allerletzt Ubersoldat units have had their HP and damage decreased, and their pain chance increased. The Ubersoldat's accuracy is slightly increased.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann's price has been increased from 18/5 to 20/5.
+ German Shepherds no longer look like they're frolicking when they attack from angles other than the front.
+ The Todesritter's grenades and bullets are slightly less damaging.
+ Auf Kriegsdauer now costs 10 more hero mana.
+ Removed alt-fire cost info from the HUD, now that it's no longer in.
+ Blitzkrieg's duration has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25.
+ Blitzkrieg's Hero Mana cost was increased drastically, and grows steadily more expensive the more you use it.
+ Auf Kriegsdauer also increases the cost of your basic units, as well as their effectiveness.
+ Strife Acolytes should no longer appear as Pistol Guards.
+ Basic versions of alternate colors are in--so far, just for the Pistol Guards and Shotgun Guards, though.
From v0.75 to v0.76
Hoooooly crap that buff turned out to be batshit OP.
Also buffed the aerial units because they turned out to be seriously hated.
+ The alt-fire promotion buff has been removed with extreme prejudice.
+ The Flammensoldat's damage has been reduced, and his rate of fire slightly reduced as well.
+ The SS Officer's damage has been reduced from "batshit insane" to "somewhat less batshit insane", and fires slightly slower.
+ Waffen-SS's and Promoted Waffen-SS's damage has been increased.
+ All of the aerial units have had their speed increased.
+ Aerial units will fire when retreating, now, instead of getting stuck in a constant useless loop because they got hung on a corner or something.
+ Additional units now have a chance to drop a Stiel Handgranate for pickup.
+ All Promoted Guards now drop summonmana.
+ Pistol Guards now have a chance to drop summonmana.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann now has rotation frames for his movement.
+ The Todesritter no longer can be summoned silently.
From v0.72 to v0.75
Various nerfs and fixes.
I was hoping to include team colors and color converters in this update, but that proved more difficult than thought.
+ The bullets now have +DONTREFLECT on them, in line with other bullets.
+ Hitler has reduced HP, now, going from 6500 to 5500.
+ Hitler's damage has been slightly lowered...again.
+ Hitler's mech explosions now do exploding damage when they explode. Because explosions. It should also help him out a lot in melee swarms.
+ The Untauglicher is significantly less accurate, now, and no longer usurps the Officer's role as the sniper.
+ The Allerletzt Ubersoldat has had his cost increased, again, from 35/12 to 40/14.
+ The Flammensoldat can use his flamethrower from a bit more of a distance, now.
+ The Ubersoldat's and Allerletzt Ubersoldat's damage has been decreased slightly to match the damage of twin chaingunners.
+ The Falschung's damage has been doubled, now, and now has 250 HP rather than 200.
+ The Waffen-Schutzstaffel no longer have a shotgun attack, which means they no longer usurp the role of the Shotgun Guards. They also have a reduced cost and slightly reduced HP.
+ The Waffen-Schutzstaffel are slightly more inaccurate, while their Promoted versions are slightly more accurate.
+ The Flieger's shots pierce through armor.
+ The Doktor no longer throws grenades if the enemy is not in range, and the grenades are less potent--spitting out fewer clouds at a slower rate.
+ The Himmelkonig's damage has been reduced more, from 10,17 to 8,15.
+ The guard dogs do slightly less damage, now.
+ The Pistol Guards are a bit more aggressive.
+ Alt-Fire for the basic units now summons a Promoted version that allows them to hit ghosts. The cost is 2.5x above the normal cost, however.
+ The pop-up erroniously reported the Todesritter as having 6000 HP. He does not, he has 5500 HP. This has been fixed.
+ Lifebar's height on the Flammensoldat has been raised, and no longer melds with his hair.
+ The Todesritter's grenades have a different bounce sound than the players' grenades, which should no longer cause confusion as to who is throwing what grenade.
+ The Slime in a Can works now! Sort of. It revives units to fight for your cause, but it doesn't change their colors to yours.
From v0.61 to v0.72
Turns out some of the buffs I gave made units way too powerful WHOOPSIE DAISY.
Also, fully and completely integrating the UI. Tech trees, HUD bars, etc.
+ The Ubersoldat's HP has been reduced, in light of his higher attack power.
+ The Allerletzt Ubersoldat's cost has been increased, now that there is a bigger disparity in function between the two.
+ The Protagonist now carries five grenades, instead of nine. Nine was overkill, and very rarely got used that many times.
+ The Raketenmann and Uber Raketenmann units have a much higher pain chance, which make it more difficult for them to defend themselves in melee swarms.
+ The Raketenmann and Uber Raketenmann units make noises when in pain now.
+ The rockets have been nerfed. Again. For like the third goddamn time in a row. The Rockets/Uber Rockets' contact damage has gone from 5 and 4 to 4 and 3, respectively.
+ The Todesritter's HP has been reduced down to 5500, and his resistances were lowered.
+ The Todesritter's rockets do much less damage, now, and are no longer homing.
+ The Todesritter's close range rockets have been replaced with grenades. They also coincidentally do much less damage.
+ The Todesritter's bullets do less damage.
+ The close range attack where the Todesritter would only use chainguns has been removed, to keep him from stupidly trying to gun down swarms of melee ghosts. The range required for him to enter his "mid-range" attack has been shortened.
+ The Todesritter has slightly less of a chance to enter his Alpha Strike mode, but a higher chance to continue it.
+ The Todesritter no longer looks like a spastic nerd while firing during Alpha Strike.
+ All sorts of extra units had Raise states when they shouldn't have, which made an Archvile's day very, very happy. These have been removed.
^- Removed Raise state from the Uberraketenmann.
^- Removed Raise state from the Wahsinniger Arzt.
^- Removed Raise state from the Ubersoldat.
^- Removed Raise state from the Allerletzt Ubersoldat.
^- Removed Raise state from the Flammesoldat. (!?!!)
+ Now the remaining resurrectable units are: Pistol Guard, SS Pistol Guard, Shotgun Guard, SS Shotgun Guard, Waffen SS, Armored Waffen SS, Guard Dog, Officer, SS Officer, Raketenmann, and Untauglicher.
+ Hitler's damage has been slightly lowered.
+ The Todesritter's death sequence is a little lengthier.
+ No, seriously, the Protagonist actually spawns with 240 health now.
+ The fullscreen HUD works now! It's a little unpolished and needs the numbers rearranged, but it's there and it's nifty!
+ Helpful reminders have been added to the summoners to identify who can be resurrected and who cannot, in line with the other factions.
+ The Wahnsinniger Arzt's damage info has been changed from "low" to "very low".
+ The Nazi have a chance to drop weaker versions of the Protagonist's Stiel Handgranates on death, now, for other factions to use.
+ The Grenades are more obvious to see incoming, now, and have rocket trails while flying and sparks of fire when they explode.
+ The Officer's role info has been changed from Assassin to Sniper/Assassin, to better inform people as to his role.
+ The Nazi tech tree operates off the same button as the other faction tech trees, now.
+ The boss cooldowns now have their numbers saying how much longer you have until you can re-summon them.
+ "Flamme" is French. "Flammen" is German. The formerly-known-as "Flammesoldat" would like to inform you all he is not French, and has changed his name accordingly to "Flammensoldat".
+ The Todesritter's name appears properly on his cooldown graphic.
+ Everyone's tipboxes have been finished.
+ Unlocking Hitler through the Todesritter's path no longer bars Blitzkrieg from the player.
From v0.5 to v0.61
While the Nazis are now a viable faction, data comparison with other factions reveals some extreme disparity in unit effectiveness. Some units are way too powerful, others are much less powerful. Most of this update is spent addressing that.
+ The Himmelkonig's shots no longer hit Ghosts.
+ The Flammesoldat's HP has been reduced from 4000 to 35k. This is much less than his cost would dictate, but his insane damage still makes up for it.
+ The Raketenmann's rockets are no longer as damaging, having gone from 25 (for Raketenmann) and 20 (for Uber Raketenmann) to 20 and 15.
+ The Flammesoldat can no longer be ripped or torn.
+ Hitler can no longer be ripped or torn.
+ The Antenne Raketenmann rockets do less damage and are slightly less accurate.
+ The Uber Raketenmann are slightly less accurate.
+ The Ubersoldat and Elitesoldat are slightly cheaper.
+ The Ubersoldat and Elitesoldat are slightly more accurate with their chainguns.
+ The Ubersoldat and Allerletzt Ubersoldat fire much more, wander much less, and have less of a chance of pain.
+ The Officers are more aggressive and will snipe at longer distances now.
+ Enemies no longer have a chance to drop two mana potions at once upon defeat.
+ Tracer random damage has been reworked considerably to match the random damage for bullets by other classes.
^- BUFF: Pistol Guard was originally 4,9, changed to 6,10 to match the Zombiemen
^- BUFF: Shotgun Guard was originally (1,2)x9, changed to (2,4)x9 to match the (6,12)x3 Shotgunners have
^- NERF: Waffen SS's Rifle was originally 3,5, spread to 2,7 to be slightly less than the Chaingunner and to match the six-digit spread
^- BUFF: Waffen SS's Shotgun was originally (1,3)x10, changed to (2,4)x9 to match the (6,12)x3 Shotgunners have
^- BUFF: The Officer was originally 5,9, expanded to 6,12 to match the 6-digit divide other units have and for better sniper support
^- NERF: The Himmelkonig was originally 14,18, changed to 12,17 because it was ungodly powerful
^- BUFF: The Mutant was originally 3,7, changed to 4,10 to match the six-digit spread
^- BUFF: The Flieger was originally 6,9, changed to 6,12 for higher Assassin damage
^- MID: The Ubersoldat/Allerletzt Ubersoldat were originally 5,8, changed to 4,10 to match the six-digit spread
^- MID: The Todesritter was originally 6,9, changed to 4,10 to match the six-digit spread
^- MID: Mech-Hitler's quadruple chainguns were originally 4,7, changed to 3,9 to match the six-digit spread
^- NERF: Foot-Hitler's double chainguns were originally 5,8, changed to 3,9 to match the six-digit spread
^- BUFF: Promoted units now match the basic unit's damage, +2 on min damage
+ The Todesritter has been significantly buffed, in order to make it just as viable a hero on the field as the Flammesoldat. Now he has better resistances, 500 more HP, and changes tactics depending upon different ranges. He utilizes homing rockets at long range, swaps between normal rockets and chainguns at mid-range, and exclusively chainguns at close range--this should very much reduce his tendency to accidentally kill his allies. However, his speed has been slowed down, his rockets do less damage, and he no longer secretly has triple chainguns.
+ The Todesritter's rockets also now fire from his rocket launchers and not his chin.
+ Flammesoldat and Todesritter no longer feel pain. Hitler is now the only hero in ZDoomWars that feels pain--this is mechanically required for his alternate state to function. However, now he does shoot when in pain.
+ Hitler, when on foot, now tries to avoid close skirmishes.
+ The Todesritter's rockets and bullets can no longer be reflected.
+ Hitler's mech-breaking animation now has explosions. Because explosions.
+ The Flammesoldat's flamethrower can no longer be reflected.
+ Hitler's bullets can no longer be reflected.
+ The Officer's bullets can no longer be reflected.
+ The Dogs have a lower painchance now.
+ The Protagonist has slightly lower health, now, from 260 to 240.
+ Using Blitzkrieg now swaps your weapon back to the basic units, rather than having to scroll through them all.
+ Blitzkrieg's duration has been shortened by five seconds.
+ The amount of summons needed to progress on the tech tree has been streamlined. Now it follows the same general inverted-pyramid shape, and each side now requires roughly 40 (44/45 if you take the Aerial route) summons to reach Hitler.
^- NERF: The Guard Dog/Officer units now need 10 summons to progress, rather than 9
^- BUFF: The Raketenmann units now need 6, rather than 10
^- BUFF: The Himmelkonig units now need 8, rather than 12
^- BUFF: The Uber Raketenmann units now need 4, rather than 6
^- NERF: The Antenne Raketenmann units now need 6, rather than 4
^- NERF: The Flieger units now need 7, rather than 6
+ The Player class has been renamed to "Protagonist", as per elaboration as to a name by WildWeasel.
+ Each faction now has a little tip graphic. Assigning Strife's Weapons/Keys/Ammo button lets you pop them on and off.
+ There is now a Monster Progression Chart, generously provided by Repo Man.
+ Filesize has been significantly optimized! Now it's only half the size it was before!
+ The Fire effects are much easier to bear on an older computer, now.
+ The Promoted units no longer list the old cost, but rather the newer and cheaper cost.
From v0.4-fix to v0.5
The Nazis were, as a faction, incredibly underpowered and over-costly. Most of this update is spent buffing them so they could be competitive.
+ Ubersoldats/Elitesoldats have more mass and no longer will be pushed around.
+ Flammesoldat no longer hurts his own allies and generally does less damage--however, now his flamethrower also ignores armor.
+ Todesritter is now immune to ripping projectiles.
+ Mana cost is reduced slightly all the way around, especially Hero Mana.
+ The Flieger and Falschung are now ghosts.
+ Stun range for the Doktor's grenades has been reduced.
+ Health for the promoted units is increased.
+ Firing rate for UberRaketenmann increased slightly.
+ Guard dogs have more health and do more damage.
+ The Officers can now pierce through force fields, shields, and invulnerability.
+ The Flieger, Falschung, Himmelkonig, and Antenne Raketenmann are more evasive.
+ Suppression/assassin/etc units have their respective damage types now.
+ The bosses no longer have an icedeath.
+ The Officers will now snipe at enemies rather than waiting to be in-range.
+ The Promoted units are now more aggressive.
+ The Wehrmacht Flieger has been renamed Einsatzgruppe Flieger, because I don't know German and it turns out the Wehrmacht was a generic term for the Nazi army rather than their black-ops division HURF DURF.
+ The Himmelkonig fires just a teensy bit slower.
+ The Flieger's shots have had their damage debuffed slightly.
+ Promoted Officers are slightly more accurate.
Neither our nameless hero nor Hitler himself would ever thought it would have come to this.
When the rift to Hell opened and the floods of Nazis returned under Hitler's leadership, all of them thought it would be a chance to reclaim what they had once sought in life. With a direct path from the afterlife to the world of now, dominance of the world lay in their grasp once more. The national socialist party would rise again, and the world would feel its iron hand once again.
When the invasion came, a nameless man with a magnum rose up and took them all on by himself--armed with only his wits, a revolver, and a shovel, he thought it would be a chance to save his homeland. With direct ancestry of war heroes and willpower that could give even a supersoldier pause, rescue of the world lay in his grasp. The national socialist party would fall again, and by his hand alone would the world be saved.
It all changed so quickly. One moment, both of them were locked in a heated deathmatch. All that were on their minds were death, all that were in their hearts were loathing, and all that were in their guns were very powerful bullets that could act on either. The bullets flew back and forth rapidly, impacting both flesh, armor, and environment.
But it all changed so quickly.
With a flash of light, a portal came out of nowhere in the middle of the battlefield. With another flash of light, others came pouring out in droves--zombies, demons, robots, mythological beasts, others of all kinds. With another flash of light, commanders came out. In few scant moments, what had gone from two people locked in a battle for the fate of a land became an endless menagerie of dimensions struggling for control of the entire multiverse. Technology, magic, aliens, and old-fashioned gunpowder flew left and right--this was not just a random happenstance, this was another invasion.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
We despised the Third Reich. We despised them in World War II, and we despised them in their resurrection. Countless stories have been told of their villainy, countless tales of the horrible depths they've sunk to in order to achieve their twisted dream.
Yet, here they are now. The Third Reich...history's greatest villains...have now become our only hope.
God save us all.
Spoiler: Screenshots
Spoiler: Testing Concerns and Notes
I am not a professional designer. This are not set in stone. I will readily admit I am horrible at actually playing ZDoom Wars.
I am open to debate and discussion about these, but please do not get offended if I disagree and/or stay firmly with my position.
To cut a long story short, the low-tier units will never be able to hit ghosts.
One of the biggest suggestions I've recieved so far is giving lower-tier units a way to be able to hit ghosts. I attempted this in a late beta version and it ended DISASTEROUSLY.
After doing a little bit of data-crunching (and some input from current ZDoom Wars designer Repo Man), I've been theorizing that ghosts are not as deciding a factor in a ZDoom Wars battle as people think it is, unless you're playing Heretic--every other faction has an obscenely low number of ghosts. Doom has one ghost, Strife has one ghost, Chex has one ghost, Virus has one ghost, and HeXen has two.
The Nazis faction relies almost entirely on its basic units. Giving these aforementioned basic and cheap units (which should be the main bulk of a Nazi army) a way to be able to counter this nullifies the other factions' Ghost units completely, not to mention gives it a serious zerg advantage over Heretic. Giving the Nazis a disadvantage against ghosts not only gives the faction a much-needed weakness, but forces the Nazi player to be mindful. He can't just toss units wherever, he has to be mindful of where he deploys the friendly-fire-happy Rocketmen to support the basic units, as well as cover multiple branches of his tech tree in a single match.
Please stop putting the Flammensoldat on a pillar to fight only a range and then say he's useless.
Please stop charging at him with an army of only Pinkies/Mummies/Stalkers/etc and then say he's overpowered.
The Flammensoldat is a Siege unit, which are units designed for driving forward or breaking a head-on attack in a locale. He wields a flamethrower, which are weapons that (in video games, usually not in real life) spray forth a short-range blaze of fire. His three-to-four round burst of fireballs are not his main attack, they were added because early alpha testers wanted him to have a long-range attack in order to aggro people to bring them to close range.
The core function of his design is that he murders infantry and seriously dents elite units--he is a damage machine at close range against non-hero units, but when you put him at a longer range or throw another hero at him, his effectiveness plummets.
This is not a Wolfenstein enemy set. This is an adaptation of Nazis!, by WildWeasel. It bears many similarities to Wolfenstein, the inspiration is taken directly from Wolfenstein, and many of the sprites and sounds are from Wolfenstein, but it is not Wolfenstein. This is a rare case of looking like a duck, sounding like a duck, and walking like a duck, but not actually being a duck.
Please stop asking for the player character to be renamed B.J., please stop asking for the high-quality sounds to be taken away, please stop asking for the shovel to be replaced with a knife, please stop asking for the tracer bullets to be replaced with hitscan.
I won't say that balance is completely perfect yet--and probably never will be, especially since I'm not a number cruncher. But many of the Nazis were built around units that are similar in function and execution, and were repeatedly given 1v1s until either of them could win in a fight regularly. These are kept here for posterity's sake, in case anyone asks if I even did any testing--if you want to say these units are overpowered, well, just know they still have an even match with these guys.
- Guard Dogs: Pinkies
- Himmelkonig/Falschung Hitler: Cacodemon
- Raketenmann: Chaos Serpent/Weredragon
- Uber Raketenmann: Barrage Weredragon (Barrage Weredragon usually wins)
- Einsatzgruppe Flieger: Deathblaze Mill (Flieger usually wins at close range, Mill usually wins at long range)
- Todesritter: Heresiarch (A difficult comparison, especially considering the Heresiarch is much cheaper, but both of them are incredibly durable meatshields)
- Hitler: Korax
Spoiler: Faction Information
As a faction, the Nazis rely entirely on overwhelming. With very quick paths to Hero units and buffs that bolster both the defense, power, and distribution of the basic troops, the nameless hero is a commander that can come out very strong in a very short amount of time. While it takes some time to build up your force at the start of a match, as time goes on the nazis can pulverize enemy factions with rapid deployment of powerful troops and overwhelming them with sheer amount of firepower--sometimes winning a skirmish before it even begins.
The Tech Tree is very simple to progress through, with two main paths. The left path features more expensive units, but they are more direct--the left path is all about sheer power. They are the beefiest, the strongest, and the best equipped. The right path features units that are not as powerful, but are cheaper and more specialized, boasting crowd control, assassination, and damage control. In each path, there is a split after the second-tier units--the left split deals with ground units, and the right split deals with air units, which divides the power/specialization paths even further.
Players will usually favor one side of the tech tree and stick with it fairly heavily through the match, with newer users usually leaning towards the left side for more direct damage. Once a player picks a side, however, they will have to devote themselves to it for a while, which leads to one ofthe faction's greatest weakness--a lack of versatility and inability to respond to sudden developments.
Pistol Guard
cost: 4
Health: 80
Damage: Low
Skirmish Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost halved under Blitzkrieg
Ordinary low-ranking Afrika Korps wielding Walther P-38 handguns. While individually incredibly weak, in numbers they show the fearsome power of the Nazi regime. Don't underestimate the ability of their handguns to tear apart even a bolstered force.
Shotgun Guard
cost: 6
Health: 100
Damage: Low
Defense Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost halved under Blitzkrieg
The wide spray of a shotgun is perhaps not the weapon of choice for a raid, but for defense it's perfect. Making up for their odd weapon choice with a hail of bullets means they don't need to be accurate to be a threat.
Waffen SS
Cost: 6
Health: 160
Damage: Medium
Skirmish Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost halved under Blitzkrieg
The Waffen Schutzstaffel are the terror of the Nazi force infantry. Boasting a rifle that can swap between assault rifle and shotgun firing modes means they can tear enemies apart from any range they please.
Guard Dog
cost: 4
Health: 150
Damage: Medium
Brawler Unit
Can hit ghosts
Cost halved under Blitzkrieg
While the dogs can't stand up to much abuse, they're vicious and can dish out some serious hurt if they can get close enough. Their quick movement and small frame make them difficult to hit, but that doesn't mean one single dog can stand up to a Baron.
cost: 8
Health: 120
Damage: Medium
Assassin Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost halved under Blitzkrieg
While their choice of a silenced Walther P-38 as a primary weapon might get them laughed at by any good military tactician, they are incredibly accurate and rapid marksmen that can pick an enemy across from a surprising distance. They got into their position of authority for a reason.
cost: 14/4
Health: 250
Damage: High
Shock Unit
Can hit ghosts
Cost reduced under Blitzkrieg
Walking proof that fortune favors the bold, the Raketenmann have forsaken conventional firearms in favor of handheld rocket launchers with seemingly bottomless supplies of ammunition. Hefty, intimidating, and very, very deadly.
cost: 12/3
Health: 300
Damage: Medium
Aerial Suppression Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost reduced under Blitzkrieg
The Nazis were one of the first countries to experiment with armored flying tanks--and while they (thankfully) never came to fruition in World War II, the terrifying result is finally here. Beefy, armored, and with twin cannons that fire at a rapid rate, they can disperse any crowd with ease.
cost: 12/2
Health: 500
Damage: Low
Meatshield Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Cost reduced under Blitzkrieg
With no other user for prisoners other than experiments, the Untauglichers are walking testaments to the horrifying depths that the Nazis have sunk to--these beings seem more zombie than human, now, and have lost all memory of their past life. While their single pistols aren't the most powerful weapons in the army, they know no pain and will continue walking with wounds that would kill any other man.
Falschung Hitler
cost: 10/2
Health: 250
Damage: Medium
Aerial Skirmish Unit
Can hit ghosts
Cost reduced under Blitzkrieg
Hitler ordered construction of a division of "fakes" that look like him, talk like him, and sound like him--but in actuality are floating automatons with fireball cannons. They zip through the air and open fire at whatever is underneath them, and while they aren't the strongest they provide the Nazi force with some much-needed anti-ghost personnel.
Uber Raketenmann
cost: 22/6
Health: 850
Damage: High
Shock Unit
Can hit ghosts
The Raketenmann was bad enough, but the Uber Raketenmann is everything made worse. Heftier in build and now wielding two rocket launchers, they can spray a barrage of rockets that can break apart even the most fortified base and can take an endless supply of bullets and keep trucking. The only consolation an enemy has is their slow speed and very inaccurate attacks.
cost: 20/5
Health: 600
Damage: High
Aerial Shock Unit
Can partially hit ghosts
The Stuhlpanzer is a tank in every sense of the word. With two rocket launchers that can spray a barrage of three miniature rockets per shot and can double as grenade launchers up close and cannons from afar, the armor and mobility is just icing on the cake. No hero alive can think of words filthy enough to describe him.
Wahnsinniger Arzt
cost: 28/10
Health: 1000
Damage: Very Low
Defense Unit
Can hit ghosts
The cruel doctors that line the hospitals and laboratories of the Nazi regime have no sympathy, no empathy, and no desire for any healing. Wielding horrible gas grenades that corrode the flesh and melt metal, they have very little range but make up for it with the ability to cut a path through any crowd.
Einsatzgruppe Flieger
cost: 24/8
Health: 500
Damage: Very High
Aerial Assassin Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
Professional black-ops marksmen straight from the Einsatzgruppen, these men are chillingly precise and have bolstered their maneuverability with jetpacks. They can maneuver across any terrain with incredible speed, and they wield dual submachine guns that are both accurate and powerful--no enemy survives for long under a hail of Flieger.
cost: 25/8
Health: 1000
Damage: High
Suppression Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
The Ubersoldat weapons project was intended to turn any Wehrmacht personnel into a walking machine gun platform, and the results are undeniable. Their relentless training and armored suits allows them to withstand hails of damage, and they wield dual chainguns that make any assault a nightmare.
Allerletzt Ubersoldat
cost: 40/14
Health: 2100
Damage: High
Suppression/Meatshield Unit
Cannot hit ghosts
When you have an Ubersoldat in the field, you have effectively a one-man army at your fingertips. Some, however, are unsatisfied with the ability to walk into a turret's path of fire and survive, and want to be able to survive a tactical airstrike as well. With heavier layers of plated armor and additional endurance training, an Allerletzt Ubersoldat can survive beatings that would leave even a tank whimpering.
cost: 80/65
Health: 3500
Damage: Epic
Siege Hero
Can hit ghosts
It takes a special brand of a psychotic to wield a weapon that can melt flesh from bone. What he lacks in range and ability against other Heroes, the Flammensoldat makes up for with a terrifying close-range spray of fire that can neuter entire forces. The unit of choice for spearheading a charge or defending a closed corridor, the Flammensoldat is more than capable of leaving a pile of bodies in his wake.
cost: 90/85
Health: 5500
Damage: Very High
Meatshield Hero
Can partially hit ghosts
The most powerful soldiers in Hitler's army, the Todesritter are walking incarnations of death. With armor that can withstand a nuclear strike, dual chainguns and dual rockets launchers with incredible accuracy, and a towering figure that can be seen approaching from across the horizon, there is nothing that can match it in sheer capability. Nothing at all.
cost: 120/100
Health: 6000
Damage: Epic
Suppression Hero
Can hit ghosts
The Fuhrer himself is not a man who rose to power out of sheer chance or luck. Hitler is a sight to behold in the rare occaisions he deigns to walk on the battlefield--wielding a prototype Ubersoldat suit of armor personally modified with extra layers plate, quadruple chainguns with a firing rate to tear even a Cyberdemon a new hole, and impressive foot speed to match, Hitler is the most terrifying combination of brains, ability, and brawn.
Perhaps the only consolation is that his mech suit is fragile, and thus upon taking enough damage it can be destroyed. However, even if his armor is destroyed, Hitler himself can still fight--and his movement without all of the bulky armor and weapons is enhanced even further.
cost: 30/70, 40/75, 50/80, 60/85, 70/90
The ideal of Nazi warfare is a force concentration, bringing in a squadron to provide overwhelming power at high speed to break through an enemy line, press through to the base, and dominate in a short period of time. In the dimensional war, this takes the form of the temporary ability to summon twice as quickly and (for some units) at a reduced cost for a short period of time. While they may not be the most powerful, an endless sea of Pistol Guards, Waffen SS, and Raketenmann units can put the fear of God in any enemy commander.
Auf Kriegsdauer
cost: 40/80
Initiative and progressiveness is always rewarded in the Nazi regime, and every soldier is eager to earn more glory for himself. Utilizing Auf Kriegsdauer, the most basic units of the Nazi regime are promoted to the ranks of the Schutzstaffel, gaining better weapons, armor, and training. Pistol Guards, Shotgun Guards, Waffen SS, and Officers are the units that recieve the benefits of this promotion, and they remain promoted until the commander dies or the war is won.
Note, however, that the units already in-field do not recieve the benefits of the promotion.
Spoiler: Credits
Everything is mostly a port of WildWeasel's Nazis, and so please refer to the original file's credits for extra information. Only the new stuff will be covered here.
- Nazis! concept and design, of course, originally by WildWeasel
- ZDoom Wars originally conceptualized and designed by Captain Ventris
- Nazi bullet casings also originally by WildWeasel, from Magnum Opus
- Voice provided by Bouncy
- Graphics for the Wahnsinniger Arzt's poison grenade nicked from XXX
- Wehrmacht Flieger edited from the Jetpack Zombie from Realm667, designed by Ghastly_Dragon and Captain Toenail
- Burning graphics nicked from Monolith, coding inspired by Zygo's very well-done burning effects
- Tech tree assistance provided by SnakeWaffles
- Balance assistance/balance data provided by SnakeWaffles and Repo Man
- Bits of technical DECORATE/SBARINFO wizardry provided by Repo Man