XutaWoo wrote:DavidPH wrote:Even using a GUI requires planning and forethought.
It's called "doodling."

Well yes, you
can make a map just by doodling, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea (although, I'm sure plenty of great maps started from doodling).
XutaWoo wrote:But yeah...I really don't see the point in this
Like I said, the primary target are people who prefer to work with text. I can't say whether or not it's better or easier than using a GUI, just that it's different. Who knows? Maybe for some things this could actually be better. How I make maps is probably different than most other people who do (one look at my example will say as much), so I don't know whether anyone will find this useful. But if even one person does, then that makes a release worthwhile.
XutaWoo wrote:unless DB2 doesn't work for Linux.
I thought it didn't, actually (haven't checked in a while, though). But my prior point still stands: this is for people who like text. Of course, if it turns out to be useful to GUI people (perhaps use for bulk-map generation then touch-up in an GUI (I don't know where most of the time goes in making a map)), that's great, too.
XutaWoo wrote:Still, good work.
Thanks. This project would have been worth all my time (and then some) even if it never gets used, as long as I become a better programmer for having done it. Considering this was my first C++ project, I'd like to think it has.
And remember, this project isn't meant to be better or cooler (even if I think it is) than other ways of making maps. It's meant to be different. As such, it requires a different way of thinking about maps. Just as different computer languages tend to support different ways of solving a problem without any one being strictly better than another.