Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Мichаеlis »

Without actually knowing whether there was anyone doing anything about ZBlood, I've begun my own patching work some time ago, using BludSP1.wad as base.

Most notable results:
- Phantasm has distance attack - Different kinds of Spiders, with different venom (>2) - Burning people deal AoE damage -
- Sort of overhauled the Decorate lump structure, separating it for better readability/editability -
- The monster movement is more like Blood (e.g. flying and swimming monsters have inertial movement) -
- Ammos changed - Cerberus, SpiderMother, HellHound, GillBeast and some others have been DECORATEd (they were DEHACKED before) -
- Powerups changed - Medikits replaced with Life Essences and actual Medikits that work like in Blood -
- You can set enemies on fire like in original Blood - Tons of rebalanced stuff - Some other stuff -

You know, I'mespecially proud of this

http://files.drdteam.org/index.php/file ... 100125.zip
(please note that this will not work without ZBludV41.wad, as it is only edited BludSP1.wad)
Spoiler: My own ToDo list
I'd like to know I'm not the only one doing anything on ZBlood. I'd like to side with other modders in doing it. My own favorite area of work is Decorate.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by SAOPP »

Michaelis, thnx for work.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Drake Raider »

Wow. HUGE reaction for a little bump. Did I accidently restart the whole project? :D
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Davidos »

I have passed along 'my project' to someone with... more capable abilities. I'm sure he will make the right choices...
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Мichаеlis »

In a few words:
I am in no way connected to anybody from the original ZBlood team, I've just picked it up some time ago.
I'm working on it. On its DECORATE, to be exact.
I'm not working on maps, and the absence of mapper limits my DECORATE-ing progress. For example, to make Fanatics closer to original Blood, I must make them more powerful. And that means there must be less Fanatics on maps.
Spoiler: Some screenshots
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Godzilla »

Michaelis wrote:In a few words:
some of these effects look neat.
However I do not think this is the way to go for "editing" ZBlood. I think some one should fix all the errors and carry on making it more like original blood, add the missing spirtes/sounds, change the codes to be more accurate etc etc.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by supergoofy »

Blood cannot be create exactly as it was in ZDoom. Maybe in EDuke32, now that has full ROR (Room-Over-Room) support.

I like though the new effects that Michaelis did. Please continue.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Мichаеlis »

I think some one should fix all the errors and carry on making it more like original blood, add the missing spirtes/sounds, change the codes to be more accurate etc etc
I like though the new effects that Michaelis did. Please continue.
Every time any modding occurs in ZDoom (and every single time there is a TC), two parties, Conservative and Progressive, arise. As they struggle for the opposite things, it is impossible to please everyone. But I have two things to say:
  • Possibly custom content can be toggled on/off. Right now you can disable custom Phantasms by commenting out one line in DECORATE lump, and if this is what community desires, this option may be taken out to the menus, without having to compulsory limit Blood+ experience for everyone including those who actually like custom stuff.
  • ZBlood 4.2 beta that I got already had some non-canonical content, like Duke Nukem E1 boss, Chaos Serpents from Hexen, Iron Lich from Heretic etc. Not that it looked all right or was implemented great, but I think with some work it could make for some interesting things.

I hope my work will do for both parties. For example, I've already almost redone good ol' dynamite throw. And some other things that come up to your mind when you think of true Blood feel.
But I need a mapper, for the reason stated above, and (maybe) for this project to ever become what people (I believe) want it to become --- good ol' Blood finally redone.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Nightmare Doom »

supergoofy wrote:Maybe in EDuke32, now that has full ROR (Room-Over-Room) support..
Perhaps I should present you to Cradle 2 Grave (and thread here)...
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by supergoofy »

Nightmare Doom this is off-topic but I will answer:

There are two projects for EDuke32 that try to recreate Blood:

Blood TC by M210


Cradle to Grave by Dimebog

Also there is a Blood Weapons mod by M210. Get it from:
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Thai-Low »

Just a quick question on this one I mean I'm not one to beat a dead horse on this topic but have you guys really abandoned this mod or is it just being passed around from doom sight to doom sight? the reason I'm asking is because I have come across a few "newer" versions of this game but they all seem to be cheep rip offs of this very WAD. case in point is one called "Zbloodx" now all they really did was just swap out all the over powered weapons that are found in level one for the original weapon set (no voodoo doll or napalm cannon just TNT) but also there is "zblood+" which keeps all the levels from this WAD but puts in all the items in from the original Blood game including all the guns having their own ammo pick ups. But here is the problem with the two... Zbloodx for some odd reason wont let you open locked doors with the intended key and zblood+ has this really odd glitch with the cultists where they tend to glide around rather then walk 75% of the time :l would any of you guys suggestions on how I could possibly fix the "glide glitch" with zblood+? because it is the closest to the original (Items wise that is) oh yeah almost forgot I'm using DeePsea as an editor :) and one more question. is there away to switch levels around so that the level "The great temple" can become the final level? I'm still a noob at this so I thought this place would be the best place to ask thanks guys.
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Shadelight »

Damn, 4 year bump. That alone should tell you if it's abandoned or not. :P
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Thai-Low »

Lmao! yeah you got a good point there Blazing Phoenix but just look at Duke Nukem :P took forever but 2K and Gearbox still brought some light on it. I just would like to have just some light as to how to remove some stuff from this port to give it more of a polished look and feel because right now all these wads fall short of what they truly could be :D
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Thai-Low »

alright so i got a quick update on this for you guys! finally finished the first level to the point were its almost exactly like the original (Mind you I'm not really doing to much changing to the maps because I like how people's imagination worked with some of the maps like the first level having a second sector making it a much bigger map) but I'm having some coding problems with somethings in the first map. for some odd reason with the builder I can access all doors via key but when I put it on the Zdoom emulator the locked doors still say I need a key even tho I have it :( any suggestions on how to fix that? also when you go into one of the crematory's to get the life seed it sets you ablaze till the entire life seed is gone and your left with 99% health or another thing too was when you set players on fire with the hair spray the flames don't dance around them like how it did with ZBlud V4.1 (with the SPBlud1 patch). other then that I'm really just going for the original look of the game and will soon start on finishing the 8 missing levels and eventually I will put them in the proper order in which they were in Blood :) with the exception of keeping the maps that are from blood's expansion packs and simply doing away with player created levels which I mean are really only 2 (grave to street & un-holy crap).
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Re: Zblood v4 [abandoned?]

Post by Onar4241 »

I'm sorry for bumping, but does anyone have a working download link? Please?

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