Most notable results:
- Phantasm has distance attack - Different kinds of Spiders, with different venom (>2) - Burning people deal AoE damage -
- Sort of overhauled the Decorate lump structure, separating it for better readability/editability -
- The monster movement is more like Blood (e.g. flying and swimming monsters have inertial movement) -
- Ammos changed - Cerberus, SpiderMother, HellHound, GillBeast and some others have been DECORATEd (they were DEHACKED before) -
- Powerups changed - Medikits replaced with Life Essences and actual Medikits that work like in Blood -
- You can set enemies on fire like in original Blood - Tons of rebalanced stuff - Some other stuff -
You know, I'mespecially proud of this ...
(please note that this will not work without ZBludV41.wad, as it is only edited BludSP1.wad)
Spoiler: My own ToDo listI'd like to know I'm not the only one doing anything on ZBlood. I'd like to side with other modders in doing it. My own favorite area of work is Decorate.