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Post by Enjay »

I have been playing the DOOM64 and PSXDoom/Final DOOM for GZDoom [GEC] Master Edition TC


and was initially mystified by the start up animations (particularly with the PSX conversions). They seemed to be showing a startup video but I couldn't see any videos in the project (I thought that the BAT file used to run the TC might be calling self-executing video file or something) and there wasn't a TITLEMAP that could be showing them either.

Then I realised that the TC uses a modified version of GZDoom that includes support for a PAGEDEFS lump that can (as I understand it) effectively be used to create a video by specifying the individual frames to be shown, what music to play and so on.

I don't know how much (if any) improvement it offers over doing something similar via a TITLEMAP but I thought that it might be worth highlighting here to see if there is any mileage in including it (or something similar) in GZDoom-official.

example PAGEDEFS.TXT from the PSX TC
(As an aside, I *think* that the TC may also include an engine generated PSX fire effect of some sort, used as the sky in some maps and at the titlepic. - I don't see the usual huge number of fire textures normally associated with creating this effect in GZDoom. So it could perhaps be relevant to this other feature suggestion: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=63068 )
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Post by TDRR »

It's better than a titlemap because you don't have to hack around with ACS to create a video to play, it's also a bit more customizable in the way it displays the image, as apparently you can overlay them. And you can even specify when to play demos!


Post by Guest »

There is no movie file, just animated still frames extracted from Williams logo video from the PlayStation disc. I originally did this for the first PSXDoom TC back in 2012 using acs in the games TITLEMAP. I find PAGEDEFS also makes it quicker to change stuff if your fiddling with something since you don't need to compile it and IMO its easier to read if you coming back to it after a while, am glad team GEC got it working in there custom GZdoom, I believe they are calling it DZdoom. Its incredible how accurately they managed to replicate the PlayStation menu using PAGEDEFS, but the most important feature added is the psxsoftware sector light mode which displays the maps colour and brightness faithful to the PlayStation version, they always looks a bit dark in regular GZdoom since there brightness values were lower then there PC counter parts.
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Graf Zahl
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Post by Graf Zahl »

A lot has changed since this was posted. I'd rather add the video support from Raze than such a hack job.

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