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"Parry" mechanic ((Sort of fixed))

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:03 am
by Niphura
I want to create a sort of a parry mechanic (like in dark souls)

I had the idea that when the player is covering himself, the enemy impact on the shield gives a item to the enemy and it goes to a certain state can i detect when the enemy hits the shield? has this been done in a mod? Is there an example? Could you help me? :?

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:14 am
by Matt
This is definitely doable even without ZScript.

Without ZS, the attack would be in the form of a missile that has +hittracer, and the shield would have a specific inventory item that no other object would normally have.

On the missile's impact, it would check to see if its tracer has that item, then give another item to its target; if this is not the case, then it would call A_TakeFromTarget to make sure its target does not have that item.

Right after that happens, the missile's target (i.e. the attacker) would check to see if it is in possession of that item. If it is, then it goes to its "blocked attack" state.

With ZS, the same principles apply, except you can replace the inventory item with an "is" check, and the missile might be ditched in favour of a [wiki]LineTrace[/wiki] check.

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:20 pm
by Niphura
I don't understand how that last tracer part works (i got a little bit confused with the giveinventoryitem, the takefromtarget and with the +hittracer flag) i've never done it before so that's why i asked for help.

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:42 pm
by Matt
Every actor has a "target", "tracer" and "master" pointer.

For projectiles, the "target" tracer is actually the actor that fired it.

The "tracer" pointer is unused if the projectile is not a seeker missile.

The +hittracer flag means that, if a projectile hits something, that thing becomes its "tracer" from that moment onwards.

All this lets you get and store the information as to:
1. Who the projectile belongs to
2. What the projectile has hit

This can be used to have the projectile provide feedback to its owner (by means of A_GiveToTarget or any other Decorate action function that interacts with the "target" in any way), based on whatever information can be gleaned using the "tracer"-related action functions.

For all this to work against "melee attacks", however, it might be better to go straight to ZScript...

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:31 pm
by Niphura
Should it look something like this? I already test it out but for some reason it doesn't work :?

Code: Select all

ACTOR Axe n' Shield : Weapon 12345
	Tag "Axe"
		AXEP A -1
		TNT1 A 6
		Goto Ready
		TNT1 A 6
		AXEG A 0 A_Lower
		AXEG A 1 A_WeaponReady
	  TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN", 0)
	  TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("NODAMAGE", 0)
	  goto Ready
		TNT1 A 4
		AXEG I 2 A_PlaySound("weapons/axeswing", CHAN_WEAPON)
		AXEG A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("PowerStrength", 1, "ToughFire")
		AXEG J 2 A_CustomPunch(20+random(4, 16), 1, 0, "AxeHitPuff")
		AXEG K 2
		TNT1 A 4
		AXEG A 6
		Goto Ready
		AXEG J 2 A_CustomPunch(60+random(4, 16), 1, 0, "AxeHitPuff")
		Goto Fire+9
	TNT1 A 0
	W01D ABC 1
	TNT1 A 0
	TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory ("Covered", 1)   //"Covered" in this case is the item that only the shield has // 
	W01D D 1 A_ChangeFlag("NOPAIN", 1)
	W01D D 1 A_ChangeFlag("NODAMAGE", 1)
    W01D D 1 A_Refire
	W01D DDCBA 1 A_WeaponReady
	Goto Preready

Actor Covered : Inventory  //Here is defined // 
inventory.maxamount 1

Code: Select all

Actor Enemy 18989
  Health 300
  Radius 20
  Height 56
  Mass 500
  Speed 8
  PainChance 100
  MeleeDamage 4
    AGUR AB 10 A_Look
    TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("Covered", 1, "ConstantPain") //if the monster have the item of the shield it should jump to a "stunned" state in this case "Constant Pain"// 
    AGUR W 8 A_FaceTarget
    AGUR X 1 A_PlaySound("agaures/swing")
    AGUR X 7 A_FaceTarget
    AGUR Y 6 A_MeleeAttack
	TNT1 A 0 A_CustomMissile("CheckForItem") //When the projectile dies it steals the item "covered" from the player (when he is covering with the shield)//
    goto See
  ConstantPain:    //The stunned state//
    AGUR H 2 A_Pain
	AGUR H 2 A_Pain
	AGUR H 2 A_Pain
	AGUR H 2 A_Pain
	AGUR H 2 A_Pain
	AGUR H 2 A_Pain
    goto See
    AGUR H 2
    AGUR H 2 A_Pain
    goto See
    AGUR I 8
    AGUR J 8 A_Scream
    AGUR KL 6
    AGUR M 6 A_NoBlocking
    AGUR N -1

Actor CheckForItem //The projectile that steals the player's item// 
Speed 80
TNT1 A 1
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeFromTarget("Covered", 1)
TNT1 A 0

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:27 pm
by Matt
The enemy is never given the "Covered" item.

Who's supposed to be blocking whom here?

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 8:37 pm
by Niphura
Why is not giving the item? The player is the one blocking the attack, when he enters the altfirehold state it gives to the player the item that the enemy steals when it attacks, once the enemy has that item it sends him to a stunned state...or at least that's what i wanted to do

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:20 am
by Matt
A_TakeInventory doesn't literally take anything, it just deletes the given number of the item from the affected owner's inventory.

See if this works:

Code: Select all

TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInTargetInventory("Covered",1)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeFromTarget("Covered", 1)
TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("Covered", 1)

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:00 am
by Niphura
That would go on the enemy? or in the projectile?

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:07 pm
by Matt
As a replacement for the projectile's current death state... I thought it was obvious from the imitation of the formatting

(you might want to fix that, by the way, with proper tabs the way things are structured becomes much more obvious)

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:29 am
by Niphura
Does the method that i explained works?: make the enemy launch a missile when he attacks to check if the player received the item when covering, and if he has it the enemy steals it from the player and then the enemy goes to another state. I changed the things on the projectile that you said, but it keeps not working, look i don't have much experience on decorate, just the basics on how to do enemies and weapons work that's why i asked for help

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:08 am
by Matt
Now that I look at it the projectile might not be hitting at all.

Sorry, there are just so many things that could be wrong here that it would take literally a year of familiarization with how Doom actors work that I could even explain it.

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:14 pm
by Matt
I feel bad about ending like that, so here's a thought:

short-range rapid-fire projectile fired by player
does no real damage
+shootable, -solid, -noblockmap and +noblood flags

somewhat less short-range projectile fired by monster
does the monster's melee damage
if it hits a bleeding actor, does nothing more than a usual projectile
if it hits a non-bleeding actor or wall, call A_DamageTarget to make it hopefully go into a painstate

If that works, then go back and adjust (changing the A_DamageTarget to a giving of inventory item and having the monster check for it after the time it should have been given, etc.) as desired.

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:39 am
by Niphura
Do you know if the flag Hitowner works? i've tried to apply it on the projectile but it doesn't appear to work...or doesn't appear on purple like other flags :?

Re: "Parry" mechanic (Help)

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 11:06 am
by Matt
I cannot imagine why you would need +hitowner for any of this. All it would do is let a projectile explode upon hitting the actor that shot it.

I have no idea what "appear on purple" means.