First an event handler that runs an ACS script with a random number attached to a graphic (BLD0, BLD1, etc.).
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class bh_EventHandler : EventHandler
void WorldThingDamaged(WorldEvent e)
if (e.thing && e.thing is "PlayerPawn")
e.thing.ACS_NamedExecuteAlways("bloodsplat", 0, Random(0,4), e.Damage, 0);
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#library "bloodyhud"
#include "zcommon.acs"
script "bloodsplat" (int fnum, int dam)
HudMessage(s:"A"; HUDMSG_FADEOUT, 0, CR_UNTRANSLATED, Random(0, 1.0), Random(0, 1.0), Random(0.5, 1.0), Random(0.5, dam << 16));
I don't see that ZScript captures exceptions or queries image resources (I certainly could have missed something), so adding images means changing Random() args in the event handler. Easy enough I guess, but I'm open to suggestions.
Anyway, this works with the gray death mod.