IMF Music Speed Issue

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IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by AFADoomer »

IMF music seems to play at a very fast tempo at times... Sometimes it's OK, but I can consistently get it to play rapidly when it's played immediately on game load (like when you use +map from the command line).

I've replaced the Doom 2 title screen music with an IMF song from my Wolf3D TC in the attached .pk3. The file was modified from the original Wolf3D data to add a header, according to the IMF wiki article, and has worked fine for many years.

It looks like something changed between 4.3pre 151 and 4.3pre 152 (28-29 September). Some of the initial ZMusic work, maybe?
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Graf Zahl »

It cannot have happened between these two builds. 152 is one commit ahead of 151 and the only change was a minor fix in the ZScript HUD code.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Graf Zahl »

Tried it several times, but no difference to 3.5.0.
The only thing I noticed is that playback of these formats sounds very broken to me, but this has been the case since the support was added to ZDoom many, many years ago.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Enjay »

There was a problem with music play back speed in ECWolf that I reported over at DRD a little while back. Could that be related?
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Graf Zahl »

Unlikely if this only changed recently in GZDoom.
I'd really like to get this one sorted out to do a 4.3.2 point release this evening.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Enjay »

I've found the DRD thread. It was back in July, so probably not related but here is it anyway:

It has an MP3 of what the Wolf music sounded like on my system.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by _mental_ »

I reproduced this occasionally. Tried to debug OPL song initialization and playback, but didn't find anything suspicious. I'm not familiar with that code, so I could miss something.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Enjay »

The DRD thread said that part of the problem was due to me having a 5.1 system, but I can't find where to force GZDoom to stereo in the menu to check whether that has an impact.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Graf Zahl »

ECWolf uses a totally different music player, so nothing of this really helps.
I never got it to play too fast even once and like _mental_, the OPL stuff is nearly all Greek to me - if something is wrong on the deeper levels I'll never find it.

The 5.1 thing is not relevant here. ECWolf apparently uses its own sound mixer - GZDoom only allocates a stereo stream from OpenAL and never mixes any sound itself.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by _mental_ »

Fixed in c466422.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Graf Zahl »

Thanks, then I can really do the point release today.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

i have the same issue, it goes very fast on the main menu music and the main game music.

very strange bug. hopefully it gets fixed within the next update.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

new bug, after you load a save file game, the main menu music for wolf 3d goes into the level. the song for for that map doesn't play. just the main menu music for the music level like after you play wolf3d episode 1 map 1, you go into secret level, then you save and then you quit then load the main menu music still plays in level 10. can that be fixed?
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by AFADoomer »

That's a mod-side bug... Those need to go in the TC thread, please.

Assuming you're playing the newest version from GitHub, the menu code is customized to replicate Wolf3D's menu having its own music, then the level music restarting once you return to the map... Save and Load menus close automatically when you save or load a game, and aren't currently set up to have any special handling to restart the map music.

As a workaround, just open the menu, then select 'Back to Game', and the proper music will play. Or press F1 to bring up the help screen, then Esc out.
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Re: IMF Music Speed Issue

Post by Gamerwarrior117 »

AFADoomer wrote:That's a mod-side bug... Those need to go in the TC thread, please.

Assuming you're playing the newest version from GitHub, the menu code is customized to replicate Wolf3D's menu having its own music, then the level music restarting once you return to the map... Save and Load menus close automatically when you save or load a game, and aren't currently set up to have any special handling to restart the map music.

As a workaround, just open the menu, then select 'Back to Game', and the proper music will play. Or press F1 to bring up the help screen, then Esc out.
gotcha. i remember that for next time.

the latest version i have is 3.0? are there newer versions?

the workaround idea works, thanks.

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